This concise, selfcontained guide covers most major language features and the major standardlibrary componentsnot, of course, in great depth, but to a level that gives programmers a meaningful overview of the language, some key examples, and. Stroustrup considers it a pretty good set of rules for safety critical and performance critical code. If you are writing a coding standard, you ignore this book at your peril. Notes, code and various other snippets from stroustrups ppp, arranged by part, chapter and subchapter 0 notes to the reader 0. Even though bjarne stroustrup presents philosophy behind object oriented programming i have seen better explanations of oop. This concise, selfcontained guide covers most major language features and the major standardlibrary componentsnot, of course, in great depth, but to a level that gives programmers a meaningful overview of the language, some key examples, and practical help in. Both authors draw on their personal extensive realworld project experience at commercial. Traditional books about programming and programming languages explain. If you search for bjarne stroustrup faq, youll arrive at bjarne stroustrups faq page. Modified july 11, 2018 i have written several books. The guideline is moderated by bjarne stroustrup and herb sutter.
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